So yesterday singer Nivea took to twitter to express her thoughts on how media is potraying her as a drunk driver when in fact she wasnt drunk but other reports from TMZ are saying the opposite. TMZ reports that Nivea, plowed her 2006 Mercedes into a tree that had fallen into the street after a recent storm at 1:30am on Sunday. Cops said when they pulled her over she had “bloodshot, glassy eyes and smelled like alcohol.” And she then told the cops she ONLY had 3 drinks earlier in the evening.Her excuse for the accident was that she didn’t see the bright yellow crime tape and the traffic cones directing cars away from the downed tree. Were not buying it but until she releases another statement i guess the damage is done. What do you think?
I don’t condone drinking and driving under any circumstances….her pathetic excuse is irrelevant…driving with having a glass of wine is dangerous..clearly she had way more..and she had a baby in her car!!!that is the most selfish thing I have ever heard of..smh..I hope she looses custody of her child…she does not deserve to have custody…smh..