Popstar Lady Gaga took the stage at the 2011 Much Music Awards last night in Canada. Check out her performances of Born This Way & Edge of Glory below.
If Michael Jackson was the greates entertainer of all time, then Ciara is the greatest entertainer alive today. She matches Michael in Dance, soft beautiful voice, same slender physique and personal style, and even natural skin color. IT IS TIME FOR HER TO BE RECOGNIZED FOR THE TRULY GREAT TALENT SHE IS. MICHAEL DIDN’T HAVE NOTHING ON THE GREAT CIARA. SHE IS THE FEMALE VERSION OF MICHAEL JACKSON. EVERYONE WHO LOVED MICHAEL HAS TO LOVE CIARA.
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If Michael Jackson was the greates entertainer of all time, then Ciara is the greatest entertainer alive today. She matches Michael in Dance, soft beautiful voice, same slender physique and personal style, and even natural skin color. IT IS TIME FOR HER TO BE RECOGNIZED FOR THE TRULY GREAT TALENT SHE IS. MICHAEL DIDN’T HAVE NOTHING ON THE GREAT CIARA. SHE IS THE FEMALE VERSION OF MICHAEL JACKSON. EVERYONE WHO LOVED MICHAEL HAS TO LOVE CIARA.